

This site was created with the aim to provide readers with inspiring thoughts.

Our thoughts are there to create the life we all wish for.

What is fundamental in creating the world we wish and hope to live in?

Internal dialogue.

Yet with life´s chaos and obligations and distractions it´s so easy to forget this crucial point.

This site is here to remind us all to stop a moment and be “mindful of our thoughts”; a key point to happiness and self fulfilment.

Life has many hurdles and knowing you have the key in your hand to help you jump those hurdles is the aim of  the Watchful Savvy.

Peace and love…

and happy reading!


twitter followme  @CorinnaOnline

86 comments on “About

  1. Thank you very much for taking the time to visit my blog and “liking” my “Melbourne’s White Night” post. It has been a pleasure exploring your blog. I particularly enjoyed (I know I’ll find very useful) the “Take refuge in the present post”.

  2. Thank you for visiting my site and liking my post, Corinna. Your site is very inspiring and helpful and Iove that it touches on a variety of different subjects.

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog, but more importantly; thank you for sending out these mindful messages into our world, into our heart and into our ever so occupied mind.

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post about ‘self-belief’. Your blog is really useful resource in our chaotic world, to pause and think. 😉

  5. The John Lennon quote in your tagline is one of my favourite quotes of all time. It’s just so true. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love how positive and upbeat yours is. We all need inspiration in our lives. It’s great.

    • I´m really sorry about your injury Lucas,and I hope you get better very soon! Thanks for commenting and I appreciate your kind words. Try to stay positive – it will make all the difference in your recovery. All the best.

      • Hey again, thank you for supporting me. Positivity is vital, and you’re super right about healing, that and a miracle is probably the only thing that healed me.

        Your writing rocks, and I feel that we have a connection. I’ll be following you, keep up the great job ☺ Your friend, Lucas


      • Thanks so much Lucas for your kind words. They mean a great deal and are very encouraging. I really do think that there is a lot to be said for positivity and the power of our thoughts. Its an idea which I think is beginning to surface more and more 🙂
        Thanks for following and way to go with your positive attitude! That´s really wonderful. What was your miracle?

      • Heya corinna, this wave positivity is something truly great!

        I guess my miracle was to be able to move again. Initially I couldn’t move from my neck down and the doctor told me 99.9% of the patients who have this can’t move again. It is the same as those in a car crash whom have jumped off a building. I’m really happy to be able to move now 🙂

        Have you had a miracle that’s happened :D?

      • Hello leveluphealth, That´s amazing that you´re beginning to move again! The body is a truly miraculous vehicle that has incredible capacity to heal itself. The mind also plays a vital role in giving the body its instructions, so all your positivity is working wonders! Two of my favourite authors are Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra who have so much to say on this topic. Maybe you´ve heard of them but if you haven´t they´re worth checking out.
        Good Luck to you my friend and thanks so much for sharing your amazing story!
        (My miracles would include all those little co-incidences in life; co-incidences that can so easily be overlooked but when pointed out create a sense of awe and wonder!)
        Thanks again for your lovely comments!

      • Heya Corinna,

        I’m so happy to move again and meet such a nice person like you. It’s positivity from people like you who keep me going.

        What are your favourite books by Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra, I’m definitely keen on anything that will help.

        It is truly the best when all the little things in life connect 🙂 Just like a great movie 🙂

        Your friend,

      • Hey Lucas, I´m glad you´re feeling positive and I´m happy to help!
        Two books or (CD´s) that started me off are Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra, and You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. They´re two really nice books that got me engaged with the idea of the power of your mind and beliefs, and I feel very fortunate to have found them. The field is endless but it´s so reassuring to know that there are people out there who genuinely want the world to be a better place and want to spread a bit of peace and harmony around. And as with the ripple effect, it can really make a difference in our world.
        Wishing you all the best with your recovery Lucas!

      • Thank you for sharing these books with me 🙂 I’ll put it on my reading hit list 😛 The power of the mind is definitely amazing, and we must not only help ourselves, but other’s too, just like you did for me :)! I’ll let you know how the books are when I get through them :)!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog this morning, Corinna! Hope you enjoyed the Wilson Pickett posting and all of my daily postings as well as my pages. I’m going to browse through your blog right now!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post. I agree with you that we have to be mindful with our thoughts. Keep up the great work.

  8. hey thank you for liking my blog. Your blog is very inspirational and my fiancee loves it too she has alot of quotes on her blog a butch’s life and its at wordpress too. I love inspirational things too and yout timing blog I always thought myself and so did my fiancee. keep it up. god bless emma x

  9. With years of trying, I’ve come to the conclusion that the world we want to live in cannot be created using the substrate of humanity in general. All of us have so many different ideas of how the world should be. Rather, we must create the world as we would have within ourselves, allowing it to affect the world outside as it will.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading your posts as well!

    • Thanks annette48. It´s true what you say and fits well with the idea “if you can´t change something, change the way you think about it.” Thanks for your comments!

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog and podcast. Love your writings here and the wisdom imparted within. It is certainly in alignment with my belief of creating world change from within the self. Count me in as a follower!

  11. Hi Corinna. Thanks for liking my post “The Myth of Neutrality.” I’m gonne browse through your posts and find out the things you’re passionate about. Blessing! ^^

  12. Hi Corinna! Thanks for liking my blog. Wow, what an inspiring site you have going on here. Please keep the thoughtfulness flowing…

  13. Thanks, Corinna, for stopping by my blog, Wrestling Pollyanna, and liking my post. I have scrolled through your site too. You have very inspiring quotes. I especially liked your video link to Gregg Braden. I hadn’t heard him before but am very much impressed. Keep up the great posts.

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