Thought + Emotion = Reality

Chakras and emotionsAfter watching an interesting video on manifestation and reality by Gregg Braden [watch here] one of the interesting ideas he points out is the way in which we can match the frequency of the reality we want by creating the thoughts, feelings and emotions from ourselves as if we were already experiencing our desired reality.

He explains that the top three chakras create the thought image.  The bottom 3 chakras create the emotions. By harnessing these two thoughts and emotions and unifying them in the centre heart chakra we create the feeling.  This feeling then creates the frequency that the universe aims to match and create into a reality in our world.  Therefore desire cannot come about by simply thinking about it.  The belief and feeling that accompanies that desire also needs to be a real emotion felt in the body and mind.

An immense topic but a fascinating one and an idea worth exploring.

Any comments of this occurring in your life are welcome!

Create the Change

change by creating not fighting


This is a really interesting idea that makes a lot of sense.  In order to change something that we don´t want in our lives any more, we can produce the desired outcome by creating what it is we do want.  This co-insides with the idea of the law of attraction – that what you think about you draw closer to you, be it a positive or a negative idea.  So instead of thinking about what you don´t want – think of what you do want and make that happen.

Your World Built by Your Words



Words and thoughts become the house you live in.  Wherever your mind wonders, or what ever you are thinking about becomes your reality.  Choose carefully and notice how reality changes and perspectives become more mindful when you become aware of your thoughts.  You have all the power and choice to think whatever pleases you, or not, so make that choice.  It creates your world.

Focus determines Reality

grass is greenerWhere are you channelling your thoughts?  Are you conscious of what you are thinking about or do you just think.  Thinking, without questioning what you are thinking about, can trip you up unknowingly.  The reason being that what ever you think about becomes your reality.  Consciously focussing on the things you want in your life, or wish things would be, really pays off.  Create a picture board of your goals. Remember though not to base your wishes on people or things – they are invariably inconsistent and have their own journey.  But focus on how you would like your life to be and stay positive.  Consistently checking up your thoughts can help immensely in creating the life you really want and enjoy.

visualise & feel your way to reality

One topic that´s always intrigued me is the power of the subconscious mind.  How does it influence us and what impact does it really have on our lives?  I came across this short video that tapped into a crucial point explaining the importance of visualisation and emotions.

So if you really want something, it´s worth spending time visualising it in your head first and creating the positive emotions to go with it.

search your mind